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What is the Average Car Accident Settlement in South Carolina?
After a car accident, you will incur serious injuries that will incur high medical bills, and you may not be able to return to work right away. If someone else’s negligence caused the crash, you may be entitled to compensation that can help you pay your bills after the wreck and compensate you for… Read More »

Steps to Take After a Dog Bite
People may think that dog bites are not that serious, but that is not true. Dog bites can cause serious injuries such as puncture wounds, permanent scarring, infections, broken bones, and more. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of every five dog bites requires medical attention…. Read More »

Understanding Emotional Abuse in Nursing Homes
When you admit your loved one into a nursing home, you do not expect them to become the victim of abuse. Unfortunately, it happens all too often in South Carolina. When people first think of nursing homes, they often first think of physical abuse. While hitting, pinching, and kicking does sadly occur in nursing… Read More »

Why is a Failure to Disclose a Legal Concern?
The term ‘failure to disclose’ is very consequential. It indicates a concealment or omission of important information that should be shared transparently with any and all parties involved in a construction project. This information can include anything from the quality of material, legal disputes, to construction defects. When one party does not provide full… Read More »

Important Bicycle Laws Everyone in South Carolina Should Know
All states throughout the country have their own bicycle laws, and South Carolina is no different. These laws are put into place to prevent accidents from occurring and to keep everyone feeling safe on the roads. It is critical that everyone, including motorists and cyclists, are aware of these rules so they can comply… Read More »

Costly Mistakes when Filing a Car Accident Claim
Car accidents are extremely stressful. Afterward, it is natural to feel disoriented, confused, and unsure of what to do next. South Carolina law follows tort, or at-fault law, after a car crash. This means that you may be able to file a claim against the negligent, or careless, driver that caused your accident. However,… Read More »

Can You Be Partly Liable for an Accident on Another Person’s Property?
All property owners in South Carolina are responsible for maintaining their premises and keeping their property in a sanitary condition to keep people safe. When they fail to do this and somebody becomes hurt as a result, property owners can be held liable. As in all personal injury cases, though, there are times when… Read More »

Construction Defect Claims for Breach of Contract vs. Negligence
It is not uncommon for homebuyers to purchase a property from a developer before a home is actually constructed. Builders describe the home’s size, appearance, and amenities to potential buyers and purchasers sign an agreement based on this description. However, for buyers, this does not always work out. For example, imagine you signed an… Read More »

What to Do if Your Personal Injury Claim is Denied
You have been injured in an accident that was no fault of your own. You expect to file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company to recover the compensation you need to cover your medical expenses, lost income, and more. After filing your claim, though, you are shocked when the insurance company denies… Read More »

Waiving Consequential Damages has Consequences
Often, one of the most contentious parts of negotiating a construction contract is the waiver of consequential damages. Many property owners see the waiver within the contract and believe that this is a standard in the industry and so, they accept it and sign the document. This can cause very serious problems in the… Read More »